Friday, November 13, 2009

Scene Hair/Emo Hair?

So I was thinking about cutting my hair for school. But I domnt know if this hairstyle would look nice one me

This is how I look

This is what I want

So does anyone think it would look nice one me??

Scene Hair/Emo Hair?

I love the cut and all but please DONT do it, its too much lenght off! Really you will hate it believe me im stupid and last year i cut off like 6in of hair and i freaked, if you want that cut ALOT is going to be cut off. Go with a longer cut like

Scene Hair/Emo Hair?

That hairstyle would look awesome on you I think. I'd go for it.

Scene Hair/Emo Hair?

well i think it will look great!

Scene Hair/Emo Hair?

Love'll look hot! Go for it!

Scene Hair/Emo Hair?

don't do it!

you have very long beautiful hair which suits you very much and you will so regret getting it all cut off

anyway i dont really like that style, it looks like the hairdresser cut her hair in the dark, then she got in a fight with some buckets of paint before sticking her finger in an electric socket!

i think you would look nice with some layers and maybe a side fringe?

Scene Hair/Emo Hair?

i think that you should keep your hair long. you will regret cutting it that short. or maybe try doin a longer version of that hair style

Scene Hair/Emo Hair?

Go for it!!! That hair cut is awesome and it would look really good on you!! :))

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